Friday, March 16, 2012

A Makeover For The Starbucks Mermaid

For a huge corporation such as Starbucks to do this makes no sense. Why fix what’s not broken? Starbucks has been such an integral part of today’s culture and to tinker with its marketing, in my opinion, is bad judgment.  The obvious idea is to update the company’s image towards today’s standards and thus bringing in a whole new market for them.  However, in doing so, they fail to realize that they may actually alienate their current customers by leading them to believe that since their logo has changed, so has the product. I suppose they didn’t learn from “The Gap” marketing campaign in 2010 or “The New Coke” campaign of the 1980s.  If they want to “come out of the circle” and go beyond coffee, then they should advertise that. As a loyal consumer, I personally do not like change in a product, or its image for that matter.  I appreciate and respect a company that uses the same logo identification throughout its tenure.  For me, it’s easily recognizable and exudes confidence in their product.
    (BTW…I particularly got a hoot out of the evolution of the Starbucks logo,     
      eventually turning into a plain, solid green circle).

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